Online and In-person
Join us over the Easter weekend for the 4-day Yoga Intensive!
With a different focus every day this Intensive will have you feeling energised and refreshed.
Friday 18 - Monday 21 April
8:00 - 9:30am
Note: the starting time of this intensive is 8:00am Brisbane time AEST (UTC+10)
If you live elsewhere calculate your time zone here
If you wish to participate but the timezone doesn't work for you, recordings will be available for 1 month
Day 1 - standing poses and abdominals
Day 2 - forward bends and arm balances
Day 3 - backbends and twists
Day 4 - restorative and pranayama

Bookings are essential - either contact Heather directly or click the BOOK NOW button below
Limited spaces for in-person attendance.
Those who pay for the online Intensive will be emailed the Zoom link along with the link and password to the "Intensive Recordings" page on Thursday 17 April .
IN-PERSON - $96 (cash or direct transfer)
$99 (credit/debit card payment via the website PLANS & PRICING page
ONLINE - $75 (credit/debit card payment via the website PLANS & PRICING page)
Payment is required to secure your spot
For Iyengar Yoga online videos click here