Inversions and backbends
Inversions are considered a mainstay in Iyengar Yoga with numerous benefits including enhancing proprioception and balance, lifting the mood, strengthening the body (including the core and the arms), reducing fluid retention, stimulating the pituitary, pineal and thyroid glands, enhancing willpower and encouraging a "can-do" attitude bringing feelings of empowerment and exhilaration.
The back-bending postures are invigorating and strengthening, bringing in a renewed sense of courage, energy and uplifted mood. Often referred to as heart opening poses, backbends are a fantastic antidote to our western lifestyle in which we tend to shorten and narrow our chest and slouch forward (in many of our daily activities). ​
In this workshop we will fine tune our technique in Adho Mukha Vrksasana (handstand) and Pincha Mayurasana (forearm balance) in order to prepare the shoulders for the backbends in this session. Some of the backbends we will focus on will be Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward bow pose), Natarajasana (the dancer pose) and Vrschikasana (the scorpion pose - from forearm balance).
Join this workshop for a progressive, detailed and supported approach to a number of our basic and more challenging backbends.
This workshop is available for both in-person and online attendance live or via recordings.

Inversions and Backbends Workshop
Sunday 16 February
8 - 10:00 am
Note: the time of this intensive is 8.00am Brisbane time AEST (UTC+10)
If you live elsewhere calculate your time zone here
If you wish to participate but the timezone doesn't work for you, recordings will be available.
Bookings are essential - please contact Heather directly
Limited spaces
IN-PERSON - $50 (cash or direct transfer) FULLY BOOKED
$52 (credit/debit card payment via the website PLANS & PRICING page
ONLINE - AUD$40 (credit/debit card payment via the website PLANS & PRICING page)
Online participants can either attend live and / or access the recordings
Recordings will be available for 1 month
Payment is required to secure your spot